We have been working with Connell students on a new Action Ready programme. This has had a specific focus on ensuring that students are linking their experiences to their next steps, including UCAS applications and apprenticeships.
As part of this programme students have been planning, budgeting and digitally designing social action projects. These projects have been on a huge range of topics from homelessness to healthy eating!
It has been fantastic to see the young people putting into action something they really care about and often started the process thinking there was nothing they could about it or by asking 'what good can we do, we’re only 6th formers?!'.
We are delighted to report that we are already seeing success and social action working!
One group focused on period poverty and since this social action project was completed - sanitary products are now provided free of charge in all college toilets.
Two other groups focussed on extra-curricular activities – one looking at girls’ participation in sport in particular and this has resulted in the group working with staff at Connell and offering several options for girls with the emphasis being on creating a safe space and for enjoyment not competition.
The other group were looking at a wider offering of extra-curricular activities not sport focused and this has been put forward to the student council who are creating a questionnaire and working with staff on what can be offered.
These projects in particular have highlighted how much lockdown has impacted on the students in terms of social mobility another key strand of our Action Ready programme.
Another success has been linked to COP26 where ideas for making small differences to our individual eating habits has been designed and is about to be shared across a number of platforms.
What fantastic experiences for those young people to share with universities and employers.
Can’t wait for the next cohort to start next week!