We are pleased and proud to have started our FIFTH Wave of Change Project last week!
We have happily received funding, yet again, to run this inspiring and much-needed programme for unemployed women in the Stockport area. If you fit this criteria, please get in touch – it’s not too late to join us!
This time around, the programme will cover:
· Digital Skills
· Social Action
· Community Organising
· Limiting Beliefs & Exploring Possibilities
· Careers Theory
· Self Care & Becoming a Priority
Here’s some of our favourite feedback from our previous programmes, to give you a flavour:
“I've been sparked into doing projects I am passionate about, a clear view of what I want for my future, amazing new friends.”
“The Wave of Change has helped me get my confidence and motivation back. Feeling valued and cared for and inspired by course leaders and fellow participants has been wonderful. Meeting such kind and interesting people and making connections has been fantastic and exciting.”
“They helped me building up my self-confidence and provided all kinds of technical support with the iDEA award program, talking things trough if I had difficulty in completing tasks. Simone, Claire and Beth are highly trained and knowledgeable about different subjects, I always felt supported by them.”
“I have gained more confidence to speak to strangers and to give my opinion/advice when others need help. I’m not feeling pressured into entering the work environment until I am ready.”
“I have gained both a better awareness of which direction I want my life to be heading and newly re-energised confidence about moving forwards, knowing I have a network of support services and like-minded allies, who though are all different and have different needs, are all willing to support each other where they can. I hope that I can use my new found skills and confidence to likewise support others as I progress along my journey.”
“It has helped to see that there might be a way out of my situation.”
“The most valuable thing was having a mentor to talk to, someone that is invested in looking into our individual situations and offer advice and support accordingly. Also being introduced to local organisations and opportunities in the community.”
If you’re interested in the opportunities and experiences you can see above, please get in touch with beth@pieuk.org as we still have places available!